Natural 'living' in Nerja - where to buy Organic food and health supplements
To some people the best carrot or tomato is the cheapest one. To others, organically grown fruit and vegetables are thought to be important factors in maintaining and improving health and wellbeing.
So, from the heart of Nerja, here are some thoughts and options on where to go for that bunch of apples, leak or potato untarnished by modern chemicals and fertilizers
On the road from Nerja in the direction of Frigiliana at the ‘Huerto Ecologico’, the organic fruit and veg store where they grow lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado and celery along with fruits such as the mango and pomegranate, apple oranges, lemons and more. What they don’t grow themselves they buy in from like minded local producers. Touch and feel today’s produce or fill your basket online at agriculturavedicamaharishi Open weekdays from 08.30 til 3pm and Saturday mornings. Go too early and you’ll discover Jose Cordero, Juan and team meditating before they get the day under way. Inside there’s organic chocolate, nuts, oils and a wide range of cosmetics based on the traditional Indian medicine. Phone them on +34 952 11 56 19 or Whatsapp on +34 693 80 83 69. And they deliver.

East of town just before the boundary with Granada province is the delightful sleepy white washed pueblo of Maro. Not much happens in Maro (in fact close to nothing) and that’s its appeal. Bordering on the protected natural park, there you’ll find ‘Bio Agricultura Maro’ a collective of organic farmers from around the area and neighbouring Nerja. The aim is to promote organic production to incentivise farmers and benefit consumers. Their website points you to some of their suppliers and a world of wholesomeness and well being. It makes sense so much sense to eat the best that can be grown (and not ship it across the planet). Their webpage is at bioagriculturamaro.
They supply organic eggs from the ‘La Republica de Las Gallinas’. These healthy birds are reared in the Andalucian countryside. They feed their hens with a semi wild diet and encourage them to lay fewer eggs and to stop laying around the age of 10 or 12. A happy hen is a healthy consumer and you’ll be welcomed on the farm but it’s a little trek in the direction of Cordoba. Better to stop off in Maro and meet some of the cooperative that make up BAM, Bio Agricultura de Maro. Find them at : granjasantaisabel Email:
The road out of Nerja towards the Autovia and Frigiliana has the Aldi supermarket. They have a modest sized ‘bio’ section which extends from fruit and vegetables to biscuits and snacks and organic wines pop up here and there. Sadly, there’s no gluten free bread here.
If you’re vegan or ‘dairy free’ or just passionate about what you eat and drink, there’s ‘Rincon Natural’, a health food shop in Nerja established some 25 years ago. It’s a stones throw from the church, the Iglesia de San Miguel and the taxi rank and across the road from the Supersol supermarket. Owner, Jannette will guide you through her selection of almond, coconut and rice milk, pre- packed gluten free breads like buckwheat (there’s no wheat in buckwheat!) organic wines, vegan cheese, beauty products and natural remedies. The doorway is plastered with the natural therapists doing yoga, massage, craniology and other non invasive therapies for keeping you in balance for those moments when your conventional doctor hasn’t got a clue why you don’t feel well. So start building your gut health now with fermented cabbage, the website is at Rincon Natural Calle Carretera, 1 Local 2 – Edificio Armijo III, 29780 Nerja, Málaga, Spain. Call +34 952 52 35 03
Supplements to deal with your ‘oxidated stress’ and CBD oil to naturally get you to sleep despite your insomnia can be had at the health store, Herbolisteria La Mamica. It’s on Calle Castilla Perez in the centre of Nerja just moments from the beach. herboristeriamamica
Calle Castilla Pérez, 13, 29780 Nerja, Málaga, Spain. call +34 952 52 26 61.
All of these options are within 10 minutes drove from El Monte Bajo and Al Ladino.
Supplements to deal with your ‘oxidated stress’ and CBD oil to naturally get you to sleep despite your insomnia can be had at the health store, Herbolisteria La Mamica. It’s on Calle Castilla Perez in the centre of Nerja just moments from the beach. herboristeriamamica
Calle Castilla Pérez, 13, 29780 Nerja, Málaga, Spain. call +34 952 52 26 61.
All of these options are within 10 minutes drove from El Monte Bajo and Al Ladino.